---Quote (Originally by Deringer)---
This week's ReachCast Community question is ...
“If you were John Smedley and you were making a top 3 list of items your Dev Team needed done ASAP what would they be?”
As always, respond here or e-mail us at ReachCastShow@gmail.com or call us at (415)787-3224!
---End Quote---
Love this week's question! Can't wait to hear the call ins.
Pour en lire plus...
This week's ReachCast Community question is ...
“If you were John Smedley and you were making a top 3 list of items your Dev Team needed done ASAP what would they be?”
As always, respond here or e-mail us at ReachCastShow@gmail.com or call us at (415)787-3224!
---End Quote---
Love this week's question! Can't wait to hear the call ins.

Pour en lire plus...